Re: [ROOT] TRefArray Dump/Iteration ADDENDUM

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Nov 29 2002 - 17:39:57 MET

Hi Jean-Eric,

I just realize now that TRefArray::ls and Dump functions already
work as expected (beauties of inheritance).

Rene Brun

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Jean-Eric Campagne wrote:

> Dear developpers, I have questions concerning TRefArray(Iter).
> My use case is the following: I have a class A (inherited from TObject) 
> that have as data member a 
>   TRefArray* fDigitList; 
> (plus an index variable)
> and a method to fill this TRefArray using 
>   void AddDigit(TObject* a) { fDigitList->Add(a); }
> As it is clear the type of object stored in fDigitList are inherited 
> from TObject but are from different kind.
> I would like to Dump the class A, so I am using A->Dump():
> ==>Dumping object at:8be69e8, name=RTrackElement, class=RTrackElement
> fIndex                        5           
> *fDigitList                   ->8bf22b8   
> fUniqueID                     0           object unique identifier
> fBits                         50331648    bit field status word
> =====> fDigitList: #enties = 5
> The last line come from the fact that I have overloaded the A::Dump 
> method of TObject as
>   virtual void Dump() const {
>     TObject::Dump();
>     if(fDigitList) {
>       cout << "=====> fDigitList: #enties = " << (fDigitList->GetLast()+1)
> 	   << endl;
>       TIter next(fDigitList);
>       TObject* obj;
>       int iobj = 0;
>       while( (obj = next()) ) {
> 	cout << "Dump Digit[" << iobj++ << "]" << endl;
> 	obj->Dump();
>       }
>     }
>   }
> My problem is that I would like to Dump the content of fDigitList not 
> only the pointer value. It is the reason of the iteration on the 
> Tobject stored in it. But as you can see I does not get any "Dump 
> Digit" message this means that next() return 0 even if the TRefArray is
> filled.
> Looking at the code (I am using 3.3/05) I have found the method
> TObject *TRefArrayIter::Next()
> always return 0 because the code is commented!
> 1) How I can dump the class A content and the TRefArray as well?
> 2) If I have to iterate on TRefArray how I proceed?
> Regards,
> Jean-Eric Campagne
> .............................................................................
> .LAL - IN2P3 - CNRS 
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