Re: [ROOT] Problems for Plotting histograms in log scale

From: Mignon Alexis (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 10:50:52 MET

One more precision : i've tries the same manipulation with the version 
3.03/04 and the problem doesn't exist there i have this problem for the 
version 3.03/09 only

Le Lundi 9 Décembre 2002 17:04, vous avez écrit :
| Hi,
| Since i've installed the last version of root (for linux gcc2.96)
| i've got some problem for plotting histograms with markers.
| {
| TH1F h("gaus1","",100,-6,7);
| h->FillRandom("gaus",10000);
| h->SetMarkerStyle(20);
| h->Scale(1./h->Integral("width"));
| gPad->SetLogy(1);
| h->Draw("p");
| }
| for instance doesn't draw anything
| it works if i remove the "p" option
| i surely missed something
| thanks in advance

Alexis Mignon
Bd Henri Becqurel
14076 CAEN Cedex 5
tel: +(33) (0)231454680
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