[ROOT] Streamer problem: inconsistancy between stand-alone write vs. interactive read...

From: Ed Oltman (eoltman@imago.com)
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 19:44:31 MET

 I am using root 3.03/9a on win2k.  I have a stand-alone project that
includes the class CLasHeader shown below.  When I build the project, I use

rootcint -f headerdict.cpp -c CLasHeader.h

and I include the resulting headerdict.cpp and headerdict.h in my project
build (VC++6).  In the standalong file, I do:

 TFile *f = new TFile("stream.root","recreate");
 CLasHeader h;

Now, in an interactive root session, I do the following:

root [0] TFile *f = new TFile("stream.root")
root [1] .L CLasHeader.cpp++
Info in <TWinNTSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library
   Creating library CLasHeader_cpp.lib and object CLasHeader_cpp.exp
root [2] CLasHeader *ph = (CLasHeader *)f->Get("CLasHeader")
Error in <TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class CLasHeader read too few
bytes: 192 instead of 196
Warning in <TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: CLasHeader::Streamer() not in sync
with data on file, fix Streamer()

Note: If I remove the  Double_t fApertureAtten[8] from the class, the
streamer works fine.  It looks like a bug...

Ed Oltman

#ifndef _CLASHEADER_H_
#define _CLASHEADER_H_
#include "TObject.h"
class CLasHeader : public TObject
    void Fill(char *pFromLas);
    UInt_t fHeaderSize;					//Las header size in bytes
    UInt_t fStreamVersion;				//Stream version number
    UInt_t fAcquisitionVersion;			//Acquisition version number
    UInt_t fHardwareConfiguration;			//Hardware configuration
    UInt_t fRunNumber;					//Run number
    UInt_t fAtomProbeId;				//Atom probe ID
    UInt_t fDebugFlag;					//Debug flag
    UInt_t fAcquisitionMode;				//Acquisition mode
    UInt_t fStartDate;					//Start date in form YYYYMMDD  e.g. 20021213
    UInt_t fStartTime;					//Start time in form HHMMSS  e.g. 153214
    UInt_t fMaxHitsPerPulse;				//Maximum number of hits per pulse
    Double_t fDeltaTofCorrection;			//(TOF_X-TOF_Y)/(-2) in nsec
    Double_t fNsPerLsb;					//TDC least significant bit in nsec
    Double_t fT0Estimate;				//Estimate of T0 in nsec
    Double_t fXposOffset;				//Estimate of detector's x-position in ns
    Double_t fYposOffset;				//Estimate of detector's y-position in ns
    Double_t fUnAttenApVoltage;			//Unattenuated aperture voltage
    Double_t fApertureAtten[8];			//Array of aperture attenuation values
    Double_t fTargetEvapRate;				//Initial target evaporation rate in
    Double_t fTargetPulseFraction;			//Initial target pulse fraction in
    Double_t fInitialPulseFreq;			//Initial target pulse frequency in Hz
#if !defined(__CINT__)  || defined(__MAKECINT__)

Here is the rootcint generated streamer:

void CLasHeader::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class CLasHeader.

   UInt_t R__s, R__c;
   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v) { }
      R__b >> fHeaderSize;
      R__b >> fStreamVersion;
      R__b >> fAcquisitionVersion;
      R__b >> fHardwareConfiguration;
      R__b >> fRunNumber;
      R__b >> fAtomProbeId;
      R__b >> fDebugFlag;
      R__b >> fAcquisitionMode;
      R__b >> fStartDate;
      R__b >> fStartTime;
      R__b >> fMaxHitsPerPulse;
      R__b >> fDeltaTofCorrection;
      R__b >> fNsPerLsb;
      R__b >> fT0Estimate;
      R__b >> fXposOffset;
      R__b >> fYposOffset;
      R__b >> fUnAttenApVoltage;
      R__b >> fTargetEvapRate;
      R__b >> fTargetPulseFraction;
      R__b >> fInitialPulseFreq;
      R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, CLasHeader::IsA());
   } else {
      R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(CLasHeader::IsA(), kTRUE);
      R__b << fHeaderSize;
      R__b << fStreamVersion;
      R__b << fAcquisitionVersion;
      R__b << fHardwareConfiguration;
      R__b << fRunNumber;
      R__b << fAtomProbeId;
      R__b << fDebugFlag;
      R__b << fAcquisitionMode;
      R__b << fStartDate;
      R__b << fStartTime;
      R__b << fMaxHitsPerPulse;
      R__b << fDeltaTofCorrection;
      R__b << fNsPerLsb;
      R__b << fT0Estimate;
      R__b << fXposOffset;
      R__b << fYposOffset;
      R__b << fUnAttenApVoltage;
      R__b.WriteArray(fApertureAtten, 8);
      R__b << fTargetEvapRate;
      R__b << fTargetPulseFraction;
      R__b << fInitialPulseFreq;
      R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);

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