RE: [ROOT] TShape Torus?

From: Faine, Valeri (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 17:23:28 MET

Hello Meplan,

> Hello Rooters!
> Is there a way to define a Torus like TTUBE, TBRICK,... for geometry
> drawing?

No, ROOT has no ready-to-use shape like that.
Initially the ROOT set of the shapes was "borrowed" from GEANT3 Manual.
This set was optimized to simulate the High Energy Physics Detectors
rather to produce some 3D picture.



Fortunately this doesn't mean one can not provide his/her 
own new shape class.

For example, the ROOT C++ class:

has no GEANT-3 prototype and was written by ROOT user, Robert Hatcher
from FermiLab. So you can.

  My best regards, Valeri

> thx,
> Olivier Meplan

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