[ROOT] compiling own libraries

From: Eugen Wintersberger (eugen.wintersberger@jku.at)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 19:03:32 MET

Hello Routers
To become familiar with the process of integrating external libraries
into ROOT I wrote some useless code for testing purposes (TTest.h,
TTest.C and TTest_LinkDef.h in the attachment).
I generated the dictionary files with :

   rootcint -f TTestDict.C -c TTest.h TTest_LinkDef.h 

and compiled and linked everything with

g++ -fPIC -I/include -o TTestDict.o TTestDict.C -c
g++ -fPIC -I/include -o TTest.o TTest.C -c
ld -soname,libTTest.so -o libTTest.so -shared TTest.o TTestDict.o

After that LibTTest.so can be loaded by ROOT with

The problem is that a 

  .class TTest

causes the following error message

root [1] .class TTest                
Error: class,struct,union or type TTest not defined  FILE: LINE:0
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

which I don't understand.
ROOT version is:  3.04/02 
and my compiler is gcc 2.95.4 on a Debian Linux 3.0r1.
I hope that anyone of you can help me.



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