RE: [ROOT] Signals from the TBrowser.

From: Faine, Valeri (
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 01:19:19 MET

Hello Clark,

With Qt/ROOT implementation ( 
all items of TBrowser are the instances either
TQtBrowserItem (for the left pane) or TQtIconBrowserItem (for the right
pane). They are in turn the subclasses of the Qt provided 
  QListViewItem ( )
  QIconViewItem ( ).

This means if the user is "interacting" with Qt-based TBrowser it is
emitting the regular Qt signals. Those can be connected with the user'

In your particular case the Qt signals: 

could have made the job.  Of course the other Qt signals can be used

On other hand to enjoy this solution you are required to install (and
learn :-) Qt. (see: )

        Hope this helps.

                     My best regards. Valeri

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Clark McGrew
> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 11:59 AM
> To: RootTalk mailing list
> Subject: [ROOT] Signals from the TBrowser.
> Hello,
> I hope I haven't missed this in the manual, or examples page.  I'm
> building an event browser and would like to leverage the TBrowser
> class.  But, I need some sort of signal or callback to indicate that
> object has been selected.  Does the browser a generic object selected
> signal, for instance Emit("ObjectBrowsed(TObject* obj)", theObject)?
> For my own objects, I can generate a signal by placing an Emit in the
> Browse method; however, I would also like to know when a TFile is
> from the menu or selected so that I can check if it contains event
> information.  I could get a similar effect by adding a mime action for
> my files, but I think that means picking a "magic" file name and
> the ability of opening them from the browser menu.  Is there a signal
> that I can connect which will tell me when a file is opened from the
> browser?
> Thanks,
> Clark
> --
> Clark McGrew	                State University of New York, Stony
> Brook
> (	631-632-8299 (office)

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