[ROOT] vector

From: Wouter Hulsbergen (hulsberg@SLAC.stanford.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 17 2003 - 06:04:15 MET

Dear developers,

I have a problem streaming a class which contains an stl vector of a
relatively complicated object. When reading the vector, it is always
empty. I think the problem might be related to something strange that I
observe when manipulating vectors of this objects of this type in the

I have a class A, which contains objects of class B:

class B
} ;

class A
  B myb ;
} ;

I found that in interactive mode I can manipulate stl vectors of type B,
   vector<B> vec;
   B b;
   vec.push_back(b) ;
but not of type A:

   vector<A> avec;
   A a;
   vec.push_back(a) ;
   -->Error: Can't call vector<SvtPullVertex,__malloc_alloc_template<0>
     >::push_back(vertex) in current scope FILE:/tmp/filew3qBmP_cint LINE:

Is this what can be expected? (I am using 3.03.09.)

Many thanks,

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