Re: [ROOT] TGGroupFrame expansion question

From: Brett Viren (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 23:45:00 MET

Antoni Munar writes:
 > I am doing a GUI. In a particular window I have several TGGroupFrame
 > with a different number of entries inside of each TGGroupFrame
 > All of them are horizontals and have different sizes. Is there any option,
 > that the could "expand" and have equal size. Right now, depending on the
 > number of elements that they have inside, the have different lenghts, and
 > the window has the lenght of the largest one...

>From what you say, I am assuming the TGGroupFrames are placed one
below the other and you want them to stretch in the horizontal
direction.  In that case, try or'ing (via "|") kLHintsExpandX to the
layout hints for the TGGroupFrames.


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