[ROOT] array of histograms

From: Jano Hruby (fly@pobox.sk)
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 12:19:56 MET

I have problem with this small program in loop.
If I comment in program exam.C 2 lines:
// else
//  TH1F *hcham[p1] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->FindObject(hname[p1]);
program working, but every loop: Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing
existing histogram: x1 ....

If I uncomment this 2 lines:
root [0].x exam.C
Error: Non-static-const variable in array dimension .....

Please help me, thanks

listing exam.C
void exam()

  if ( !(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("c1")) )
      c1 = new TCanvas("c1","");

  const UShort_t num=4;
  char *hname[num]={"x1","y1","x2","y2"};

  TH1F *hcham[num];

  for (UShort_t p1=0; p1<num; p1++)
    if( !(c1->GetPrimitive(hname[p1])) )
	hcham[p1] = new TH1F(hname[p1],"",10,0,10);
       	TH1F *hcham[p1] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->FindObject(hname[p1]);

  // filling histo
  // for (UShort_t p2; p2 <num; p2++)
  //   hcham[p2]->Fill(.....);
  // draw histo
  // for (UShort_t p3; p3 <num; p3++)
  //   hcham[p3]->Draw(.....);

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