[ROOT] using STL containers in ROOT TTrees

From: Pietro Govoni (Pietro.Govoni@cern.ch)
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 17:03:56 MET

Dear Roottalk,
is there anbody who created a TTree containing an STL container?
I am trying to store a simple vector<double>, following an example that I 
found among the tutorials.
When I try to put in a TTree that vector I get a lot of different errors, 
depending on strange parameters, e.g. whether I put or not a line like:

cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;

in the code.
There should be something fundamental that I'm forgetting, does anybody 
know what should I do?

Thanks in advance


PS follows my little code:

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include <vector>

// to run the example, do:
// .x temperature.cpp   to execute with the CINT interpreter

void temperature_w()
   TFile f("treeTemperature.root","recreate");     // create the file
   TTree tempo("tempo","tentativo");               // create a new tree
   vector <double> Temperature;                    // create a vector
   for (int i=0; i< 40; ++i) Temperature.push_back(0.);    // initialize 

   cout << Temperature.size() << endl; 

   tempo.Branch("Temperature",&Temperature,"temperatura 40 sonde (V)");
   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) 
      int j = 0;
      for (vector<double>::iterator it = Temperature.begin();
	  it != Temperature.end();
	  *it = 10 * i + (++j);
	  cout << *it << '\t';
      cout << Temperature.size() << endl; 

void temperature_r()
   TFile f("treeTemperature.root");
   TTree *tempo = (TTree*)f->Get("tempo");  // si puo' fare in altro 

   vector <double> Temperature;
   for (int i=0; i< 40; ++i) Temperature.push_back(0.);  // (1)
   cout << "ole " << Temperature.size() << endl;         // (2)
   TBranch *b_Temperature = tempo->GetBranch("Temperature");
   Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tempo->GetEntries();
   cout << nentries << endl;

   for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; ++i) 
       cout << Temperature.size() << endl; 
       for (vector<double>::iterator it = Temperature.begin();
           it != Temperature.end();
           cout << *it << '\t';
       cout << endl;

   delete tempo;

void temperature() 

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