[ROOT] another limitation or bug in rootcint

From: HP Wei (hp@rentec.com)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 15:36:34 MET

// --------- test.H
class A;
enum Op{

A fxx(Op,A,A);
inline A operator-(A x,A y){return fxx(OP_Sub,x,y);}

A fx(Op,A);
inline A operator-(A x){return fx(OP_Neg,x);}
inline A operator!(A x){return fx(OP_Not,x);}

// ---------- testLinkDef.h
#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ function fxx;
#pragma link C++ function operator-(A,A);
#pragma link C++ function fx;
#pragma link C++ function operator-(A);
#pragma link C++ function operator!(A);

// ---------------------- Problem ***
After the command: rootcint testDict.C -c -p test.H testLinkDef.h
(-p does not make any difference),
in the testDict.C
the function for the second operator-(A) is not generated.

Is this a bug or limitation of rootcint ?
Or do I need to change the testLinkDef.h ?

My Cint version is 5.15.76 on Sun Solaris 8 with gcc.


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