Re: [ROOT] Which iosenum.h for Solaris 8, gcc3 in "64-bit mode" (-m64)?

From: Eddy Offermann (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 17:45:08 MET


I send a few days ago a patch to Fons for your USE_SIZE_T problem.
Otherwise it compiled with gcc3.2.1on SunOS 5.9 without a problem.


> X-Authentication-Warning: majordomo set sender to using -f
> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 16:56:47 +0100 (CET)
> From: Radoslaw Marcinkowski <>
> To:
> Subject: [ROOT] Which iosenum.h for Solaris 8, gcc3 in "64-bit mode" (-m64)?
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> X-Virus-Scanned: by amavis-milter (
> Dear ROOT Team :)
> I'm tring to compile root (_v3.05.02) on Solaris 8
> with gcc 3.2. I had/have many problems, but the
> most impotrant is to choose/generate propert iosenum.h file.
> The standard commands
>   $ ./configure solarisgcc
>   $ make
> produce infinite loop:
>   Creating include/iosenum.h for implementation dependent enum value
>   Error: Array index out of range separator -> [2]  valid upto separator
>   FILE:cint/iosenum/iosenum.cxx LINE:202
>   Error: Array index out of range separator -> [2]  valid upto separator
>   FILE:cint/iosenum/iosenum.cxx LINE:25
>   Error: Array index out of range separator -> [2]  valid upto separator
>   FILE:cint/iosenum/iosenum.cxx LINE:25
>   Error: Array index out of range separator -> [2]  valid upto separator
>   FILE:cint/iosenum/iosenum.cxx LINE:25
>   etc...
> It can not generate iosenum.solarisgcc3 - its my conclusion...
> I tried to copy one of the following:
> iosenum.solarisCC5 iosenum.solarisgcc iosenum.linuxia64gcc3
> on
> iosenum.solarisgcc3
> result is that, after invoking root.exe i have no chance to
> type anythin from keyboard to root-prompt :(
> Root is "depth"...
> What to do?
> Radek Marcinkowski
> PS As I anonced, I had the other problems - I have passed them:
> 1. Bad structure of precompiler directives for Solaris 8 and gcc3.2
>    (or bad setting in Makefiles or *.h variables: USE_SOCKLEN_T,
>      USE_SIZE_T)
>    in files:
>      proofd/src/net.cxx
>      rootd/src/net.cxx
>      rootd/src/netpar.cxx
>      unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx
>   problem is in following lines:
> #if defined(USE_SIZE_T)
>          size_t clilen = sizeof(tcp_cli_addr);
> #elif defined(USE_SOCKLEN_T)
>     socklen_t clilen = sizeof(tcp_cli_addr); /* GOOD FOR ME */
> #else
>          int clilen = sizeof(tcp_cli_addr);
> #endif
> and similar...
> 2. In file proofd/src/proofd.cxx line:
> extern "C" int gethostname(char *, int);
>    is not need in my configuration...
> 3. When lib*.so are produced, the structure of command line is like that:
> $ g++ -shared -o obj1.o obj2.o [...] libfreetype.a
>   in my configuration ONLY rewerse order works prpertly:
> $ g++ -shared -o libfreetype.a obj1.o obj2.o [...]
> in the first case I have "unresolved symbols" in libfreetype.a
> 4. Precompiled libXpm.a for Solaris which is on is
>    32-bit version - I had to compile my one.
> 5. Freetype library (included in root sources) is compiled to 32-bit
>    code.
> Speace Research Ceneter                            Faculty of Physics
> Bartycka 18A,                                       Warsaw University
> 00-716 Warsaw, POLAND                  Hoza 69, 00-681 Warsaw, POLAND

Eddy A.J.M. Offermann
Renaissance Technologies Corp.
Route 25A, East Setauket NY 11733

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