Re: [ROOT] Closing canvas and resuming execution in compiled Root application

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 14:33:52 MET

Hi Tohru,

Use the simplified code below:

Rene Brun

   TApplication app("appKey",0,0);
   TCanvas canvas("canvasKey");
   TH1F foo("fooKey", "test histo",1000,-10,10);
   TF1 func("fitme","gaus");
   cerr << "ChiSquare: " << func.GetChisquare()<<'\t';
   cerr << "NDF: " << func.GetNDF()<<endl;
   canvas.WaitPrimitive(); //will return with a double click
   Float_t mean = func.GetParameter(1);
   Float_t sigma = func.GetParameter(2);
   foo.Fit("fitme","","",mean - 3 * sigma, mean + 3 * sigma);
   cerr << "ChiSquare: " << func.GetChisquare()<<'\t';
   cerr << "NDF: " << func.GetNDF()<<endl;

Tohru Ohnuki wrote:
> This used to work with earlier versions, but now it doesn't (got
> bugfixed?). In a compiled application one would get a canvas drawn and be
> able to hold it open by a wait loop until a key was pressed, resuming
> program execution, say for scanning event fitting. I looked in the usual
> places, found out about the TApplication class and tried again with a
> program like:
> //15 march 2003 testing tapp hold canvas open functions
> #include <iostream>
> #include "TROOT.h"
> #include "TH1F.h"
> #include "TF1.h"
> #include "TCanvas.h"
> #include "TApplication.h"
> int main()
> {
>    TApplication app("appKey",0,0);
>    TCanvas canvas("canvasKey");
>    TH1F foo("fooKey", "test histo",1000,-10,10);
>    foo.FillRandom("gaus",10000);
>    TF1 func("fitme","gaus");
>    foo.Draw();
>    foo.Fit("fitme");
>    cerr << "ChiSquare: " << func.GetChisquare()<<'\t';
>    cerr << "NDF: " << func.GetNDF()<<endl;
>    app.Run(kTRUE);
>    canvas.WaitPrimitive();
>    //gPad->WaitPrimitive();
>    Float_t mean = func.GetParameter(1);
>    Float_t sigma = func.GetParameter(2);
>    foo.Fit("fitme","","",mean - 3 * sigma, mean + 3 * sigma);
>    cerr << "ChiSquare: " << func.GetChisquare()<<'\t';
>    cerr << "NDF: " << func.GetNDF()<<endl;
>    app.Run(kTRUE);
>    canvas.WaitPrimitive();
>    return(0);
> }
> Unfortunately, this crashes with a segfault and lots of stack traces when
> i try to close the root canvas. Clicking and ctrl-c on the pad doesn't do
> anything. I'm sure i'm doing something dumb, do i really need to
> capturemouseevent or something like that? I'm using root-3.05.03 on RH-7.3
> (pentium III) with gcc-2.96rh. Thanks...
> Regards,
> Tohru O.
> --
>   UCLA Physics & Astronomy Dept.
>   GSR-IV Data Monkey

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