[ROOT] RE: oddity with KS tests

From: Dubois, Richard (richard@SLAC.stanford.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 22 2003 - 02:04:38 MET

 One more try. I think my mail got deleted due to ~150 kB of attachments! So, see them at


http://www-user.slac.stanford.edu/richard/DropBox/KS/ <http://www-user.slac.stanford.edu/richard/DropBox/KS/> 




-----Original Message-----
From: Dubois, Richard 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 2:25 PM
To: 'Roottalk@pcroot.cern.ch'
Subject: oddity with KS tests


 We're using the TH1::KolmogorovTest function to compare histograms for our code release systems tests. For some fraction of the histograms we get the warning that the histogram is weighted - and then we get what seem like non-sensical KS values.


 I've attached two histogram files. For histogram TKRTRKENERGY, the KS value is (essentially) zero. I've attached the overplot of the histograms.


 In any case, the histograms are *not* weighted, so we're wondering why the KS test thinks they are.


Here's the snippet of code filling the histogram:


   dummy = new TH1F("TKRTRKENERGY","Track Energy",200, 0., 2000.);
       Double_t   trkE    = track->getKalEnergy();


 This is for Root 3.04.02 on linux RH7.2.


root [1] TFile* f = new TFile("/nfs/farm/g/glast/u05/systests/Gleam/v5r1p1/Ver$

root [2] TFile* g = new TFile("/nfs/farm/g/glast/u05/systests/Gleam/v5r0p6/Ver$

root [3] TH1* hf2 = f->Get("TKRTRKENERGY")

root [4] TH1* hg2 = g->Get("TKRTRKENERGY")

root [5] double x = hf2->KolmogorovTest((TH1*)hg2)

Warning in <TH1F::KolmogorovTest>: Weighted events and no Sumw2, hist:TKRTRKENER



Warning in <TH1F::KolmogorovTest>: Weighted events and no Sumw2, hist:TKRTRKENER



root [6] x







Richard Dubois

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Stanford, CA


650-926-8616 (FAX)



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