[ROOT] SetBinContent problem

From: Angela Biselli (biselli@ernest.phys.cmu.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 22:56:02 MEST

Dear rooters,
I am having a weird (maybe stupid) problem with SetBinContent with the 
latest version (v3.05.03).
If I set the bin of a 2D histogram, the histogram contains the bin-value 
but when I draw the histogram it seems to be empty.
For example
root [1] TH2F *h=new TH2F("h","h",4,0,4,4,0,4) 
root [2] h->SetBinContent(1,1,4)               
root [3] h->Draw("colz")                       
My histogram is completely empty (just the axis are drawn)  but if I do
root [4] h->GetBinContent(1,1)                 
(const Stat_t)4.00000000000000000e+00

I do not have this problem with 1D histograms, and I tried older versions 
of root (e.g. 3.05.02) and I can see the bins I am filling with 
Can anyone reproduce this problem? Am I doing something wrong?


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