Re: [ROOT] click event on a TH2F crashes computer

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 11:41:08 MEST

Hi Ozgur,

I cannot reproduce this problem.
Can you run the following tests

cd $ROOTSYS/tutorials
root benchmarks.C

cd $ROOTSYS/test
make distclean
stress -b 30

Rene Brun

Ozgur COBANOGLU wrote:
> Hello,
> (CERNRedHat7.3.1 and ROOT which is updated from cvs repository several
> days ago)
> I have a strange problem and I'd like to know if someone else has too.
> I create a canvas and a TH2F on it like that:
> {
> TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1",600,400);
> TH2F *padPlane = new TH2F("padPlane","padPlane",128,0,128,4,0,4);
> padPlane->SetEntries(1);
> padPlane->Draw("colz");
> }
> When the object is drawn on screen I click on the padPlane object and 20
> per cent my computer crashes; I need to force it reboot, non of the
> short cuts works. This sensitivity is only for clicking events nothing
> else. Any ideas ? and is it a posibility that this problem can originate
> from the OS itself ? I have been using a different Linux OS on a
> different machine and ROOT was running perfectly, should I change OS or
> machine again or is this a known thing ?.
> cheers, oz...
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Özgür Çobanoglu

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