Re: [ROOT] TH2::Draw("col") + SetCellContent

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 19:27:47 MEST

Hi Colin,

2-D histograms with 0 entries are not drawn when using options "col", 
"box" or "cont". If you use SetBinContent, you must call 
h->SetEntries(1) to draw the bin contents.

Concerning your second point with the option "col", this problem has 
been fixed a few days ago by Olivier (in CVS)

Rene Brun

On Sat, 12 Apr 2003, Colin 
Bernet wrote:

> Hello rooters, 
> I'm using root cvs version, last updated this week. I noticed 2 changes 
> concerning 2d histos : 
> - SetCellContent(binx,biny,value) doesn't look to work correcty : it 
> produces histograms with bins containing the values I entered (I checked 
> with the event status), but when the histogram is drawn as an empty 
> histogram ... 
> so I had to use fill.
> TH2F h("h","",5,0,5,5,0,5)
> h.SetCellContent(2,3,10)
> h.Draw()
> yet bin(2,3) contains 10 !
> - The way a color is asigned to a value in one of the bins, when using 
> Draw("col") has changed : before, there was probably a : 
> if(value <= 0) color is white
> now it's 
> if(value < 0) color is white
> this doesn't seem important, but I think it was pretty useful to make the 
> difference between 0 and a very small value. For example, when applying 
> some cuts on the 2d, one wants to see them. Now, there is some blue 
> everywhere, and I don't see the cuts anymore, so I don't know if I 
> enabled them or not.
> Is there an option I could use to go back to the old behaviour ? 
> thanks !
> Colin

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