Re: [ROOT] TTree::Draw(), empty selections and canvas/histogram update

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 12:00:30 MEST

Hi Walter,

The version in CVS clears the current pad in case the number
of selected entries is null.

Rene Brun

On Sun, 20 Apr 
2003, Walter F.J. Mueller wrote:

> Dear ROOTer's                           using 3.05/03
> it seems the canvas isn't updated when TTree::Draw() is used with an
> empty selection. This gives potentially confusing visual results.
> Assume a tree has a variable 'num', than a session like
>    file = new TFile("xxx.root");
>    tree->Draw("num>>h(100,0.,50000.)");
> produces some nice histogram. Now give as third command
>    tree->Draw("num>>h","1==0");
> This will not produce a display with a histogram with 0 entries as one
> rightfully expects but just leaves the canvas unchanged. Now select
> File->'Save as' and the canvas will update, you see the correct
> histogram, and the correct histogram is also saved...
> It seems that in general the canvas isn't updated when the selection
> is empty (nor htemp in case no explicit histogram is filled). For my
> taste this isn't correct and is a potential trap leading to wrong
> conclusions when one tries different selections and one of them turns
> out to be empty because cuts are so narrow that there is no event
> matching it. If the selection is empty, an empty histogram is the
> proper visualization of this fact.
>                  Cheers and happy Easter,
>                           Walter

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