[ROOT] merging directories

From: Michael Gold (gold@higgs.phys.unm.edu)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 02:20:56 MEST

Dear rooters:

here is my problem.  I have files which all have a certain
directory ( here called dbDir ).  This directory has a 
number of subdirectories, each subdirectory contains some
TObjects.  I'd like to collect all the subdirectories from
multiple files and put them into a single dbDir, then 
append this to an output file.  below is my attempt
to do this.  the program will seg violate at the end
when I try to write the output file.  If I remove the
line "delete input", then the program does not seg violate,
but then the output file directory dbDir is empty.


here is the basic loop in the main code:

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

  // create directory for db files in fout 
  TDirectory *dbDir =  new TDirectory("db"," data base stuff");

  // Recreate output file
  TFile *fout = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"recreate");

  //loop over files 
  while(getline(fileList,inFile,'\n')) {
    ++ nFiles;
    // read db files
  }// end loop over files

here is the subroutine that attempts to 
read from input file into dbDir:

void readDb(string inFile, TDirectory *dbDir)
    TFile *input = new TFile(inFile.c_str());
    TDirectory  *fileDir  = (TDirectory *) input->GetKey("db")->ReadObj();
    TIter next( fileDir->GetListOfKeys());
    TKey *kdir;
    while (( kdir = (TKey *)next())) {
      if(kdir->ReadObj()->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) {
        TDirectory *subDir =  (TDirectory *) kdir->ReadObj() ;
    delete input;

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