[ROOT] rootcint #pragma's

From: Artur Szostak (Artur.Szostak@fi.uib.no)
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 10:26:40 MEST

What other #pragma's does rootcint use?
I know of the following:

    #pragma link off all globals;
    #pragma link off all classes;
    #pragma link off all functions;
    #pragma link C++ class ...;

    #pragma link off all typedefs;
    #pragma link off class ...;
    #pragma link C++ nestedclasses;
    #pragma link C++ nestedtypedefs;

Which I should add only the first 4 seem to be documented by rootcint.

What does the + do after the class name? I know what - and ! do but not +. 
Are there any more suffixes out there?


Artur Szostak

Department of Physics
University of Cape Town
Email: Artur.Szostak@fi.uib.no  (only valid until 30 June)

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