Re: [ROOT] appending directories

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 21:50:12 MEST

Hi Michael,

It is difficult to give a diagnostic without having a simple piece of 
code to test.
Remember that when calling TKey::ReadObj, you read the object
in the current directory.

Rene Brun

On Mon, 19 
May 2003, Michael Gold wrote:

> Dear rooters:
> this is the continuation of a problem I previously 
> reported in attempting to collect a bunch of 
> directories from a number of files into 
> a single directory in an output file.
> The subroutine attached below manages to read the directories in 
> TDirectory *inDir ("db") and append them to outDir TDirectory ("db")
> which exists in the output file (TFile *fout).
> When I do  fout->ls("-m");
> I get the directories listed as follows:
>  TFile*         results/edil08.root
>   TDirectory*           db       data base stuff
>   OBJ: TTree    STNTUPLE        stn analysis ntuple : 0 at: 0xadb5878
>   OBJ: TH1F     Ncon    conversion pair multiplicity : 0 at: 0xc136060
>   .....  
>   TDirectory*           db       data base stuff
>    TDirectory*          run_140157      run_140157
>    TDirectory*          run_140187      run_140187
>    TDirectory*          run_140217      run_140217
> which is peculiar because the directory "db" is listed twice.
> this may or may not be related to the problem, which is that 
> when I do fout->ls("-d") only the first listing of db appears,
> (not the second that actually contains all the sub directories)
> and the output file has an empty db directory.
> any advice as always is greatly appreciated.
> sincerely,
> Michael Gold
> -----------------------
> ps: here is the subroutine:
> void readDb(string inFile, TFile *fout)
> {
>   TDirectory* save_dir = gDirectory;
>   TDirectory  *outDir  = (TDirectory *)   fout->GetKey("db")->ReadObj();
>   TFile *input = new TFile(inFile.c_str());
>   TDirectory  *inDir   = (TDirectory *) input->GetKey("db")->ReadObj();  
>   assert(inDir);
>   assert(outDir);
>   TIter next( inDir->GetListOfKeys());
>   TKey *kdir;
>   while (( kdir = (TKey *)next())) {
>     if(kdir->ReadObj()->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) {
>       TDirectory *subDir =  (TDirectory *) kdir->ReadObj() ;
>       outDir->Append(subDir);
>       input->GetList()->Remove(subDir); //<========	
>     }
>   }
>   //outDir->ls();
>   delete input;
>   save_dir->cd();
> }

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