Re: [ROOT] Persisting Histogram Attributes in TFiles...

From: Frankland John (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 00:08:51 MEST

Hi Steve

I just pasted your two bits of code into two files, stevewrite.C
and steveread.C
I executed the first (.x stevewrite.C), then exited ROOT,
and then executed the second (.x steveread.C).
In both cases I was left with a canvas showing a red, shaded
I can't see anything wrong with what you're doing, and it
works fine for me (with ROOT v3.05/05). There must be
something else somewhere...


Steve Sekula wrote:

>Hi John,
>A simple example where I've had no success would be as follows:
>TH1F* hist = new TH1F("hist","",20,-10,10);
>TFile f("test.root","RECREATE");
>Now exit ROOT (just for good measure) and restart it. Then open the
>test.root file and plot the histogram:
> TFile f("test.root");
> TH1F* hist = (TH1F*)f.Get("hist");
> hist->Draw();
>You'll see that the fill style and color are no longer set to 3001 and
>kRed, respectively. I take it persisting attributes is more
>complicated than just calling hist->Write()?
>I have tried this with two versions of ROOT, 3.05/05 and 3.03/09. Both
>behave identically.

John D. Frankland
Beam Coordinator
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