Re: [ROOT]

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 11:58:43 MEST

Can you sen me something producing graphics ? you macro gives:

root [0] .x intensity.C
Note: File "iostream.h" already loaded

**Programma Mappe, output:intensity map  source+bkg
**legge il file int.dat e calcola 'Dim'= dimensione mappa
**ordina da solo l'istogramma se il vettore delle energie
**e' fatto con x variabile a y fissato
**CAMBIARE soltanto il range dell'istogramma
Nome file sorgente(es.'int1s100.dat')

...  That is not very helpful for me. May be just save what you have in 
your canvas in a .C file (for the menu "File") and me it to me. That way I 
will be able to see how your graphical output looks like.

 Cheers,         O.Couet

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Marco Ajello wrote:

> Dear rooters,
> I have some problem with TH2D("","CONTZ") option,
> because it makes unreadble the colorpalette.
> I tried with TPad::SetRightMargin(), but it
> seems not to work properly.
> Another thing is: How can I make the contours smoother?
> They are so geometric!
> Thnaks andBye
> Marco

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