[ROOT] image generation questions

From: brant c. (brant@its.caltech.edu)
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 11:59:54 MEST

Hi all,

I am a ROOT newbie, trying to build some ROOT code that processes/plots 
data, generates images, and distributes the images over the web (as in a 
cgi script).  Ideally, this code would just print the image file data to 
standard output, so executing it as a cgi script would produce an image 
on a web browser.  As such, I think it has to run in batch mode...

I am looking for a way to:
a) generate an image in batch mode.
b) print the image file data to standard output, preferably without 
first writing to disk.

It would be possible to write the pad contents as a postscript or svg 
file, convert the file, and concatenate the results to standard output, 
and remove the file, but I would like to avoid file i/o (simultanious 
users will confuse the system) and other external programs as much as 

I don't know if the TImage::FromPad(...) function will work in batch 
mode because I've been having issues getting ROOT to compile with 
asimage enabled (library version issues on my end, I think).

The application is for visualization of high-energy cosmic ray shower 
data for the CHICOS project (http://www.chicos.caltech.edu/).  Part of 
the purpose of distributing the images over the web is to allow high 
school instructors to use it in class activities.


   Brant Carlson
   (Caltech UG, working for Prof. Bob McKeown)

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