[ROOT] objects first in the branch give error

From: Dr. John Krane (jkrane@fnal.gov)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 17:17:26 MEST


I have a work-around already, but thought I would report some 
"interesting" behavior.  Maybe the problem is in my code somewhere, but 
I can't find it.

I have a simple tree, with

ObjDate ddatetime
Double_t dprice
Double_t dvol

When I click on dvol in the TBrowser, I get a nice histogram.  When I 
click on dprice, I get a complaint about my object:

Warning in <TSelectorDraw::ProcessFillObject>: Not implemented for ObjDate

Why?  I didn't even click on my object!  When I click the folder that 
represents my object, all the Double_t and Int_t values provide a nice 
histogram when I double-click.  There are only Double_t and Int_t values 
in the object.

My solution, for today, is to change the names of dprice and dvol so 
that they appear *first* in alphabetical order.  Now all works properly 
with aprice and avol...but I'm worried about the problem I have hidden, 
maybe in my code, maybe in root...

	- John

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