Re: [ROOT] TLegend - big gap in front of subscripts

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 14:11:07 MEST

On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Jiri Masik wrote:
> Olivier Couet <> writes:
> > Here is a workaround:
> >
> > legdir->AddEntry(&h, "Efficiency to select direct events_{} x_{1,2}>x_{cut}", ">
> > legdir->AddEntry(&h, "Purity of direct events_{} x_{1,2}>x_{cut}", "l");
> >
> > Cheers,     Olivier
> >
> Thanks Olivier, it works. I did not mention that in another plot the
> word "events" was overwritten by x_{1,2} - I managed to convert it to
> the situation above by changing the text size.
> cheers
> Jiri

 Hi Jiri,

 Yes, that's the same problem. Put also a dummy index, it should work 
the same way. In ROOT the character positioning is done using the TrueType 
font engine on the screen and on PS. It works well but my guess is that 
the the PS fonts sizes and the TrueType fonts sizes are a bit different. 
As you put a index at the end of a long character string the cumulated 
error begin to be visible. Putting a dummy index, as I suggested in my 
previous email, cuts the long string and the index is then linked to "x" 
only and not anymore to the long string. I'll see if I can fix that 
systematic error.



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