Re: [ROOT] bug in TH1::Scale + ...

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 18:21:10 MEST

Hi Colin,

Colin Bernet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using the cvs version of root on lxplus (updated today), and I noticed something
> strange with TH1::Scale : when doing h->Scale(scalefactor), the number of xbins is
> mutliplied by 2, and the x range increases (whatever is chosen for
> scalefactor). besides this the behaviour of the function is normal.

I cannot reproduce this problem. Could you send a script showing the problem?

> Btw I miss a lot a feature from the previous versions : being able to
> set the title of an histogram by right-clicking on it on the canvas.
> TH1::SetTitle has disappeared from the menu. Is there another way to do
> that ?

If you use the CVS head, you can use the SetTitle item in the histogram
pop-up menu

Rene Brun

> Of course I could use a release, but if I remember correctly the last one
> has no tab completion on filenames, which is a feature I definitely want
> to have.
> Despite these few things, thanks a lot for everything !
> cheers,
> Colin

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