[ROOT] TFile::mv(obj1,"dir/obj2")?

From: Exaos Lee (schlie@iris.ciae.ac.cn)
Date: Thu Jul 17 2003 - 09:25:34 MEST

Dear rooter,
How to move objects to a directory within the same root file?
For example, I have one root file contains the following objects:
TFile**         n2n_0717_01.root
  TFile*         n2n_0717_01.root
   KEY: TChain   kmax_event;3
   KEY: TH1F     ph0;1   PH spectrum of Detector 0
   KEY: TH1F     ph2;1   PH spectrum of Detector 2
   ... ...
   KEY: TH1F     psd2;3  PSD spectrum of Detector 2
   KEY: TCutG    gcutm;1 Graph
   KEY: TH1F     phm;3   PH Spectrum of Monitor
   KEY: TH1F     psdm;1  PSD Spectrm of Monitor
   KEY: TH2F     phm_psdm;1      PH-PSD Spectrum of Monitor
Then I make a directory named "monitor":
   ... ...
   TDirectory*           monitor Spectra of Monitor
I want to move the "phm", "psdm", "phm_psdm" and "tofm" to directory 
"monitor". How to do that? The TFile class hasn't any method such as 



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