[ROOT] How to draw uncontinued axis?

From: Exaos Lee (schlie@iris.ciae.ac.cn)
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 04:57:17 MEST

Thank you, Philippe.
Another question: How to draw uncontineous axis? E.g, I have an TH1F 
object: h1=new TH1F("h1","some title",512,-10.,45.). I want to draw only 
part of the X axis: (-10.,-5.) && (2.,20.) && (35.,45.). How to do that?

Best regards.


Philippe Canal ??:
> Hi Exaos,
> In ROOT 3.05.07, using nt->Draw("myfunc(var1)") induces the bytecode
> compilation of all the loaded interpreted function.  In particular, this
> include the function you defined in rootalias.C.  In addition, the function
> you have tickle a CINT bug.  Replace code like
> 	char s[256] = ....;
> by
> 	TString s = ....;
> (anyway this is a good idea to do so to avoid any potential memory overrun).
> A fix will be loaded shortly in the CVS repository.
> Cheers,
> Philippe.

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