[ROOT] Doxygen tags and rootcint

From: Mark D. Messier (messier@indiana.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 19:54:44 MEST


I'd like to post a quick warning about the use of the doxygen '//!<'
comment tag in files processed by rootcint. 

I'm working on a project which uses doxygen for automatic source code
documentation. One common tag used by doxygen for commenting member
variables is: 

class MyClass {
  float fFloat; //!< doxygen comment for fFloat...

Note, however, that rootcint uses this comment style (more exactly //!) to
flag member variables that should not be streamed to output. So a side
effect of the above doxygen comment is that the variable fFloat is not
saved if objects of type MyClass are streamed to an output file.

I don't know if its possible to work around this in rootcint (perhaps
checking for comment strings which match ('//! ') or that match '//!' but
not '//!<' ??). A work around might be valuable as it seems doxygen is
becoming more and more widely used by software projects.

In any case, I thought I'd post this to the list hoping that it saves
someone else some time debugging in the future. 

Mark Messier                                 e-mail: messier@indiana.edu
Department of Physics            http://www.physics.indiana.edu/~messier
Indiana University                                 Phone: (812) 855-0236
Bloomington, IN 47405                                Fax: (812) 855-0440

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