Hi, Firstly, mandatory info: root-3.05.07 gcc2.95.2 RedHat-7.3 binary installation. I noticed that file order in a chain after Int_t TChain::Add(const char *name, Int_t nentries) is depends on file creation sequence, if I use a regular expression. I think the file file1.root should be before file2.root when chain->Add("file[1-2].root") is used. If chain1 have a friend chain2 then inappropriate file order in any chain leads to wrong entry accordance. See the script wrong_order in the attachment. Four files tree1.root, tree2.root, friend2.root, friend1.root are created and merged. I get <session> $ root wrong_order.C <skip /> ************************************ * Row * var * friend_va * ************************************ * 0 * 1 * 2 * * 1 * 2 * 1 * ************************************ </session> I expect <expected> ************************************ * Row * var * friend_va * ************************************ * 0 * 1 * 1 * * 1 * 2 * 2 * ************************************ </expected> I think this effect takes place because of simple loop other directory without sorting in the Int_t TChain::Add(const char *name, Int_t nentries) implementation. Best regards, Maksim Nikulin // // TChain::Add("<regexp>") and friends: // wrong file order in a friend chain // tree1 <-> friend2 // tree2 <-> friend1 void tree(const char *name, Int_t var) { f = new TFile(name, "create"); t = new TTree("tree", "tree"); t->Branch("var", &var, "var/I"); t->Fill(); t->Write(); f->Write(); delete f; } void friend_tree(const char *name, Int_t friend_var) { f = new TFile(name, "create"); t = new TTree("friend_tree", "friend_tree"); t->Branch("friend_var", &friend_var, "friend_var/I"); t->Fill(); t->Write(); f->Write(); delete f; } void wrong_order (void) { tree("tree1.root", 1); tree("tree2.root", 2); friend_tree("friend2.root", 2); friend_tree("friend1.root", 1); chain = new TChain("tree"); chain->Add("tree[1-2].root"); friend_chain = new TChain("friend_tree"); friend_chain->Add("friend[1-2].root"); chain->AddFriend(friend_chain); chain->Scan("var:friend_var"); }
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