Re: [ROOT] 2 problems: removing histo title and generating Html docs

From: Axel Naumann (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 21:42:51 MEST


> 2.
> I want to produce the html docs with the command
> THtml html;
> html.MakeAll();
> as described in manual.
> But it produces only the indexes of the classes, saying "-skipping-" with
> all the classes.
> What's wrong?

two possibilities:
* THtml doesn't find the sources of your classes. Suppose you're trying 
to generate doc for TMyClass, then check:

[root prompt] TMyClass::GetImplFileName()
// should print the location of the source, if not something is wrong 
with your dictionary (e.g. there's no ClassImp)

[root prompt] gEnv->GetValue("Root.Html.SourceDir","ERR_DOOFUS")
// if this doesn't print a nice PATH style string of dirs something is 
wrong with your rootrc.

The Root.Html.SourceDir list of paths should allow THtml to find the 
file above, i.e. suppose you get the following output:

[root prompt] TMyClass::GetImplFileName()
[root prompt] gEnv->GetValue("Root.Html.SourceDir","ERR_DOOFUS")
(const char* 0x8543e34)".:src:include"

then you'll have to have ./mysources/TMyClass.cpp to allow THtml to 
parse your sources.

* the doc is newer than the class, and you didn't specify kTRUE for 
MakeAll's "force" parameter (see THtml's documentation).

Just "rm htmldoc/TMyClass.* src/TMyClass.*" and you're done.

Cheers, Axel.

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