Re: [ROOT] #include <string>

From: Ilka Antcheva (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 09:04:42 MEST

Hi Javier,

I have tested your script and it does not crash if the option NEW
is used in the TFile constructor. My environment: Red Hat 7.1,
gcc 2.96, latest ROOT version

Best regards, Ilka wrote:

> Hello again
> and thanks Fons for your reply to the other message.
> reminder: I'm using ROOT 3.03.05 in Red Hat.
> The following script crashes but it works if I comment out line 2, 4 or 5.
> If I just comment out one of them it works. Puzzling.
> {
> #include <string>
> TFile* theFile;
> theFile = new TFile("graficas.root", "NEW");    //  option NEW added
> cout << "file open" << endl;
> }
> any idea?
> Javier

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