[ROOT] Problem with TClonesArray as Branch

From: H.-Gerd Rosarius (rosarius@getit.de)
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 11:24:09 MEST

Hello Rooters, 

I have problems with writing a TClonesArray to a root-file
and my work doesn't look to different from the Event/Track
examples coming with ROOT.

However, let me describe the situation in detail first.

1. I wrote an own class, called WARequest, which serves as a 
   kind of data container for different variables of type 
   string, map<string,string>, Double_t, etc.
   It is derived from TObject.
   That class includes the ClassDef-/ClassImp-Makros and a 
   dictionary-file is generated with rootcint successfully.

2. In my main application I have a TClonesArray which is
   filled with n objects of type WARequest. The objects
   in TClonesArray are still fine after filling the array, because

   WARequest* r = (WARequest*) myClonesArray->At(0);
   cout << r->getValue() << endl;

   returns a senseful string like "Hello world!" to the console.

3. I want to use a TTree that holds a TClonesArray with my
   WARequest-Objects as branch. Therefore I coded (shortened):

   TClonesArray* aBuf = new TClonesArray( "WARequest", 100 );

   dT = new TTree( "myTree", "No description" );
   dT->Branch( "myArrayBranch", "TClonesArray", &aBuf, 32000, 99 );

   and I fill the tree with

   aBuf = myClonesArray;

   At this point all objects in TClonesArray are still in 
   a fine condition.

4. I write the tree and close the file.

When I read the file, get the tree, open the branch, get an entry
and access the TClonesArray, TClonesArray::GetEntries() returns 
the right number of objects inside. 
If I take an object from TClonesArray and want to get data from 
the object, say again for example

 WARequest* r = (WARequest*) myClonesArray->At(0);
 cout << r->getValue() << endl;

the output consists of strange characters. 

It seems the objects in TClonesArray "forget" the values
in their fields.

What is happening here? Am I doing something wrong? If so, what?

Thanks for any help.

  H.-Gerd Rosarius

Tech: Using ROOT 3.05/03 made from source with g++ 3.0.4, running
      on a Debian Linux box.





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