Re: [ROOT] Write/Read Trees with objects as variables

From: Pascal PERRODO (
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:18:38 MEST

  Hi Rene,

Thanks. It works indeed but if I run two times the code to readout the 
tree, Root failed and gives:

*** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x401dacbb in TUnixSystem::StackTrace(void) + 0x25b from 
 0x401d9812 in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) + 0xb2 from 
 0x401d89bb in <unknown> from /usr/local/ROOT/lib/
 0x401dc585 in <unknown> from /usr/local/ROOT/lib/
 0x40e6e848 in <unknown> from /lib/i686/
 0x40ec0bf4 in __libc_free at 
/usr/src/build/40457-i686/BUILD/glibc-2.2.4/malloc/malloc.c:3155 from 

I have solved the problem by opening myself a TCanvas and plotting in 
it. Then it works (I don't know why) as many times as I want.

Rene Brun a écrit:

>Hi Pascal,
>What is the problem with your example?
>For me it works without any changes, although I suggest to modify your code
>as shown in the attachements.
>In particular, it does not make sense to use the split mode for an histogram.
>Rene Brun
>Pascal PERRODO wrote:
>>Hi rooters,
>>I try to create and read Trees containing not only Int_t and Float_t,
>>but also objects (TH1F).
>>I have tried to follow the recipies in the documentation (p202, Adding a
>>TBranch to Hold an Object).
>>I have written a simple example in the directory
>>tree-read.C : creates the tree tree.root and seems to work
>>tree-write.C : reads the tree and failed. Could you help me to read such
>>a tree.
>>I use the Version   3.05/05        8 May 2003 on redhat.
>>Many thanks in advance.
>>Pascal Perrodo.
>// create a tree with TH1F as variable
>// P. Perrodo
>// 28/09/03
>TH1F h0("h0","h0",100,0,100);
>TFile fout("tree.root","RECREATE");
>TTree tr1("tr1","tr1");
>Int_t   i1;
>Float_t x1;
>TH1F *h=0; //<========
>tr1.Branch("hist", "TH1F", &h, 32000, 0); //<========
>for ( Int_t n=0 ; n<100 ; n++ ){
>  i1 = n;
>  x1 = n*n;
>  h0.Reset();
>  h0.Fill(n);
>  h = (TH1F*) h0.Clone(); //<========
>  tr1.Fill();
>  delete h; //<========
>TFile f("tree.root");
>TTree *tr = (TTree*) f.Get("tr1");
>Int_t   i1;
>Float_t   x1;
>TH1F *h=0; //<========
>//h = new TH1F(); //<========
>TBranch *bh0 = tr->GetBranch("hist");
>TProfile hd1("hd1","hd1",100,0,100);
>Int_t nentries = tr->GetEntries();
>Int_t nbytes = 0;
>for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
>  nbytes += tr->GetEntry(i);
>  hd1.Fill(i1,x1);

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