Re: [ROOT] how does one draw a 4d ntuple plot

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Oct 06 2003 - 10:13:22 MEST

Hi Jonathan,

see two possible solutions in the script below:

Rene Brun

   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",700,900);
   TFile f("hsimple.root"); //file produced by tutorial hsimple.C
   TNtuple *ntuple = (TNtuple*)f.Get("ntuple");
   //solution 1: use a scatter plot with different colors
   //corresponding to one variable (here i%8)
   TString cut = "i%8==";
   for (Int_t col=1;col<8;col++) {
      TString selection=cut+col;
      if (col==1) ntuple->Draw("px:py:pz",selection);
      else        ntuple->Draw("px:py:pz",selection,"same");
   //solution 2: use a surface plot using the 4th dimension
   //as the weight for each cell in the 3-d histogram

> Johnathan Wang wrote:
> Hi, I have a dataset of x, y, z, val, something like
> 1 1 1 5
> 2 2 2 6
> 3 3 3 7
> where val is actually a function of of x, y, z, so val = f (x, y, z).
> how does one generate a 3-dim surface plot in root with this data (3 physical
> dim with the 4th dim being represented by color).
> i know how to do this in paw where one can just create a ntuple, read the
> dataset in, and plot the ntuple. But I can't quite figure out how to do the
> equivalent in root.
> Any help is appreciated,
> john

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