[ROOT] histos with different cycle

From: Stefano Piano (stefano.piano@ts.infn.it)
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 11:31:37 MET

Dear rooters,
I would like to read from file and draw to the same canvas
some histograms with the same name but different cycle.

root [0] TFile datafile("hpede.root")
root [1] TH1F * histo1 = (TH1F *) datafile.Get("Pedestal_1;21")
root [2] TH1F * histo2 = (TH1F *) datafile.Get("Pedestal_1;22")
root [3] TH1F * histo3 = (TH1F *) datafile.Get("Pedestal_1;23")

It is clear that I cannot draw the first histogram:
root [4] histo1->Draw()
but I can draw the third one.

How can I save the buffer of the first and second histogram
( ... and later discard them without memory leakage )?

Thank you,
Stefano Piano

P.S. My root version is 3.05/02 compiled by gcc 3.2.2 on
         I32 gentoo linux with vanilla kernel 2.4.20

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