[ROOT] gaussian integrals

From: Dan Holmes (Daniel.Holmes@cern.ch)
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 14:45:55 MET


I am trying to convert gaussian significances to probabilities repeatedly 
and quickly within some looping code.

What is the best way to do this? .. i have tried defining the erf and 
integrating it but i'm not convinced root is giving me the correct 
answers..  my code:

form1 = new TFormula("form1","pow(2.718281828,-pow(x,2))");
TF1 f1("func1","form1",-10,10);

double prob=f1.Integral(-1,1);

cout<<"returned integral is "<<prob<<endl;
cout<<"prob is "<<prob*pow(  1.77245,-1)<<endl;
// integral of -100 to 100 is 1.77245

returned integral is 1.49365
prob is 0.842703

..but i think i should get an answer closer to 63% within 1 standard 
deviation of a gaussian??

<< root vers:  3.05/07>>

..can you see what i am doing wrong or suggest anything? ..maybe there is 
a tutorial on this but i couldn't find it. 





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