Re: [ROOT] Statically linked root executable ?

From: Christian Schmitt (
Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 17:59:07 MET


one solution would be to add myfun2->SetMinimum(0) in your Macro.



Rüdiger Berlich wrote:
> Hi there,
> since I've upgraded to SuSE Linux 9.0 + root 3.10 there 
> is some strange behaviour wrt. function plotting.
> A command 
> TF1 *myfun2 = 
> new TF1("myfun2","2000*(-(x-1.82)+
> 0.6+exp(-pow((x-1.97),2.)/0.0001))",
> 1.88,2.05);
> myfun2->Draw();
> will plot the function from y=550 to y=3000 ,
> whereas with SuSE 8.2 (ROOT 3.05.07) it used to plot 
> the function from 0 to 3000.
> This is bad, since some macros that draw lines in the
> plot depend on the plot starting at y=0.
> The problem seems to be related to SuSE rather than ROOT,
> as the problem doesn't go away when downgrading ROOT
> to 3.05.07 on SuSE 9.0 . 
> I'm therefore looking for a statically linked set of ROOT 
> executables, so I do not depend on the SuSE 9.0
> libraries. Do you know a place where I could get this ?
> BTW, I haven't seen any other problems. E.g., plotting
> of histograms, etc. does what I want.
> Thanks for your help !
> Kind Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Rüdiger Berlich

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