Re: [ROOT] how to embed dictionary to the tree for foreign classes?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 22:56:49 MET

Hi Valentine,

Your Makefile did not work for me.
To make teh things running, just execute the following commands
to build your executable

rootcint -f dict.C -c MyClass.h+
g++ -g `root-config --cflags` -c dict.C MyClass.C
g++ -g -Wl,-soname, -shared dict.o MyClass.o -o
g++ -o crt crt.C `root-config --cflags --libs`

I have modified one line in your program to select split=1
run crt. This produces tree.root

In a Root session, you can then do:
root > TFile f("tree.root");
root > T->Draw("fX")

Rene Brun

Fri, 14 
Nov 2003, Valentine 
Kouznetsov wrote:

> Thanks to Rene's help I'm able to embed my ROOT-less class into ROOT Tree
> (the class without any knowledge of ROOT). But in order to read that tree and
> do some stuff I need to load my dictionary into root.
> My question now is how to embed this dictionary to the tree in order to allow 
> loading my tree and accessing my class object without loading object's 
> dictionary.
> What I found that it's possible if I add ClassDef into my class, BUT
> my class is ROOT-less and it will need to know where to get this definition.
> I don't want to include any ROOT header file into my class definition, but
> I would expect that can be done in the dictionary itself.
> I'm attaching my class, macros, etc. to this Email.
> Here the definitions:
> MyClass is ROOT-less aware class
> crt.C is a main program to create a root tree with this class
> I compile dictionary/shared library using Makefile
> and executable to create tree using
> g++ -o create_tree -I$ROOTSYS/include crt.C -L$ROOTSYS/lib -lCore -lTree 
> -lCint -lm -lstdc++ -ldl MyClass.o mydict.o
> So, to be clear in order to have access to my tree with dictionary I need to 
> load the macro
>   gSystem->Load("");
>   TFile f("tree.root");
>   TTree *T = (TTree*)f.Get("T");
>   T->Print();
> and I would like to avoid loading my and want to embed my dictionary 
> into tree itself and generate this tree with my dictionary.
> Thank you,
> Valentine.

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