Re: [ROOT] Problem retrieving fitparameters from self-defined functions...

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 21:30:55 MET

Hi Marc-Andre,

I cannot reproduce this problem with the official versions 3.05/07 or 
see an example of log in attachement.

Rene Brun

On Sat, 22 Nov 2003, Marc-Andre 
Pleier wrote:

> Dear Rooters,
> I encounter the following problem (see attached sourcecode example
> for reproducing this...): 
> Using a fitfunction I created myself which is used in a subroutine
> for a TF1 instantiation a la TF1 * myfit = new TF1("myfit",function,...);
> I am not able to extract the fit parameters that are printed on the
> screen by Minuit, if this subroutine is called more than once.
> For example fitting the same histogram more than once, I get the same
> Minuit output on the screen, but when I try to get the fit parameters
> from the second call on, the values returned are the parameter initial 
> values instead of the Minuit values.
> This problem disappears when I call the TF1 destructor at the end
> of the subroutine.
> If I use the same subroutine with a predefined function like gaus,
> this problem doesn't show up.
> But if I don't put the TF1 destructor call in that routine as well,
> any call to my self-defined function after will again only
> return the parameter initial values instead of the Minuit values.
> Could somebody explain me why ROOT is behaving that way?
> To reproduce this effect, you can simply compile the attached code
> and switch the destructor calls on and off.
> I am using ROOT Version 3.05/00  23 February 2003.
> Cheers,
> Marc-Andre.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Marc-Andre Pleier                            Phone : +1 630 840 8575
>   Fermilab D0                                   Fax  : +1 630 840 8886
>   P.O. Box 500, MS 352                          Email:
>   Batavia, IL 60510-0500, USA
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here is my code:
> #include <TF1.h>
> #include <TH1.h>
> #include <TFile.h>
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> double mygauss(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
> {
>   Double_t fitval = par[0]*exp(-.5*((x[0]-par[1])/par[2])*((x[0]-par[1])/par[2]));
>   return fitval;
> }
> void fitmegood(TH1D * loose)
> {
>   TF1 * myfit = new TF1("myfit", "gaus",50.,130.);
>   myfit->SetParameters(7.,90.,4.);
>   loose->Fit("myfit");
>   cout << "fitpars : " << myfit->GetParameter(1) << " | " << myfit->GetParameter(2) << endl;
>   // if we want fitmebad to work for all calls in the second block...
>   //myfit->~TF1();
>   return;
> }
> void fitmebad(TH1D * loose)
> {
>   TF1 * myfit = new TF1("myfit", mygauss,50., 130., 3);
>   myfit->SetParameters(7.,90.,4.);
>   loose->Fit("myfit");
>   cout << "fitpars : " << myfit->GetParameter(1) << " | " << myfit->GetParameter(2) << endl;
>   // if we want fitmebad to work for second++ calls in the first block...
>   //myfit->~TF1();
>   return;
> }
> int main(void)
> {
>   // Create a plot to be fitted...
>   TF1 * willy = new TF1("willy", "gaus", 40., 140.);
>   willy->SetParameters(7.42, 92., 3.5);
>   TH1D* loose = new TH1D("willyplot", "test the fitting",100, 40., 140.);
>   loose->FillRandom("willy", 150.);
>   cout << "Fit using self-defined gaussian, block 1:" << endl;
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   cout << "Fit using predefined gaussian:" << endl;
>   fitmegood(loose);
>   fitmegood(loose);
>   fitmegood(loose);
>   cout << "Fit using self-defined gaussian, block 2:" << endl;
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   fitmebad(loose);
>   return 0;
> }

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