Hello, I'm doing an unbinned fit in a tree. Sometimes I'm getting STATUS=RESET and not STATUS=CONVERGED, can anybody tell me, what STATUS=RESET is meaning, I didn't found it on the root or minuit pages on the web. Thanks, Martina (As you can see in the following lines, I'm doing a loop - for some i I got convergence, for others RESET. Everytime I'm doing first a binned fit with the h_help to get initial parameters. When I get "RESET" as output, root doesn't try to fit, it just takes the parametres of the binned fit,...) TF1 *f2 = new TF1("f2","[0]*(3/8*(1+x*x)+[1]*x)",-0.95,0.95); TF1 *f2u = new TF1("f2u","[0]*(3/8*(1+x*x)+[1]*x)",-0.95,0.95); Double_t PAR[2]; TH1D *h_help = new TH1D("h_help","h_help",25,-1.1,1.1); //t_cos is a TBranch of a tree for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){ f2->SetLineColor(1); j=2*i-5;//defined befor as Int_t k=j-2;//same //M and delta are defined above sprintf(sss,"t_mass <= %f+(%i*%f) && t_mass > %f+(%i*%f) && t_cos >-1.1 && t_cos <= 1.1 ",M,j,delta,M,k,delta); sprintf(ss,"t_mass <= %f+(%i*%f) && t_mass > %f+(%i*%f) ",M,j,delta,M,k,delta); t_theta->Draw("t_cos >> h_help",sss); h_help->Fit("f2","R"); f2->GetParameters(&PAR[0]); cout<<"histo : "<<PAR[0]<<" "<<PAR[1]<<endl<<endl; f2u->SetParLimits(0,1,1); f2u->SetParameters(&PAR[0]); t_theta->UnbinnedFit("f2u","t_cos",ss); f2u->GetParameters(&PAR[0]); f2u->SetLineColor(i+1); f2u->Draw("same"); cout<<"unbinned : "<<PAR[0]<<" "<<PAR[1]<<endl<<endl; } output: FCN=39.7616 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 35 CALLS 36 TOTAL EDM=4.75254e-17 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 1.99509e+01 1.14194e+00 3.55991e-03 9.97977e-12 2 p1 -3.37357e-02 5.17265e-02 1.61256e-04 -1.88480e-07 histo : 19.9509 -0.0337357 FCN=0 FROM MIGrad STATUS=RESET 0 CALLS 0 TOTAL EDM= unknown STRATEGY= 1 NO ERROR MATRIX EXT PARAMETER CURRENT GUESS PHYSICAL LIMITS NO. NAME VALUE ERROR NEGATIVE POSITIVE 1 p0 1.99509e+01 fixed 2 p1 -3.37357e-02 constant unbinned : 19.9509 -0.0337357 -- ---- Martina Schaefer SMartina@gmx.de "Le risque est comme le sel, il en faut, mais pas trop!"
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