Re: [Fwd: [ROOT] TMatrix inversion results]

From: Edmond Offermann (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 16:05:37 MET

Your 4x4 matrix is near singular, its condition
number is > 1e+16 !

Actually it is so badly conditioned that the
matrix package of root version <=3.10.02
can not properly detect it and claims that the
determinant = -157736

I have attached your macro modified/extended for
the new matrix package in root 4.00.00:

First you see me check the determinant. The 
"standard" Determinant, Inversion is delivered
through a LU decomposition . The algorithm
will get a zero on its diagonal and therefore
think it is singular . Therefore the deteminant
returned is zero . If I now would have performed
an inversion, an invalid matrix would have been
returned (check through A.Isvalid()) .

Seeing that it is a difficult maybe singular
case we proceed with a Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) , print the singular values and calculate
the condition number . Even the inverse 
using svd is not able to get a matrix to so that
A * A^-1 = E

I wonder why you need the inverse  ?? 
Are you trying to solve for x, A x = b .
You do not want to do x = A^-1 b  . It is
not precise enough . Better inparticular
your case is to do :

TDecompSVD svd(A);
svd.SetTol(1.0e-20); // explained in the attachment
TVectorD x = b;

And now you can check A x, playing with the
tolerance .


--- Rene Brun <> wrote:
> Eddy,
> This code seems to run correctly with 3.10/02.
> It crashes with 4.00/01 (CVS)
> Rene

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 
> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 13:15:20 +0000
> From: Cozmin Timis <>
> To:
> Subject: [ROOT] TMatrix inversion results
> Hello,
> It seems like I have similar TMatrix inversion
> problems as in:
> That was fixed for 3x3 matrix in the version I use
> (3.05/05) but I have 
> problems in 4x4 case .
> Here's the result of the macro matrix.C  that runs
> at the Root prompt.
> First part is the 3x3 matrix used by Chris Jillings
> but I'm puzzled by 
> the 4x4 case.
> Do I need a newer version than 3.05/05 ?
> Regards,
> Cozmin
> $ root
>  the current keyboard layout is 437
>   *******************************************
>   *                                         *
>   *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
>   *                                         *
>   *   Version   3.05/05        8 May 2003   *
>   *                                         *
>   *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
>   *            *
>   *                                         *
>   *******************************************
> Compiled for win32.
> CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.86, Apr 29
> 2003
> Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
> Enclose multiple statements between { }.
> root [0] .x matrix.C
> Matrix 3x3 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |
>    0 |-8.761e-005  7.804e-005 -1.808e-005
>    1 | -0.0003604   0.0001103   2.77e-005
>    2 |   0.009239    -0.01581   -0.001075
> Matrix 3x3 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |
>    0 |      -2601       -3009      -33.82
>    1 |       1069       -2126      -72.79
>    2 |-3.809e+004        5405      -150.3
> Matrix 3x3 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |
>    0 |          1 -1.388e-017 -8.674e-019
>    1 |          0           1  1.735e-018
>    2 | 7.105e-015  4.441e-015           1
> Matrix 3x3 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |
>    0 |          1           0  1.388e-017
>    1 |          0           1           0
>    2 |          0           0           1
> Matrix 4x4 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |        3 
> |
>    0 |-4.288e+008  4.288e+008  4.288e+008
> -4.288e+008
>    1 | 2.115e+012 -2.115e+012 -2.115e+012 
> 2.115e+012
>    2 |-5.269e+008  5.269e+008  5.269e+008
> -5.269e+008
>    3 | 2.513e+012 -2.513e+012 -2.513e+012 
> 2.513e+012
> Matrix 4x4 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |        3 
> |
>    0 | 2.863e+007        5351  1.756e+005        
> 419
>    1 |  2.56e+005         506  2.627e+007       
> 5125
>    2 | 2.863e+007        5351 -2.627e+007      
> -5125
>    3 |  2.56e+005         506 -1.756e+005       
> -419
> Matrix 4x4 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |        3 
> |
>    0 |    -0.2031  -0.0001831     -0.0625  
> 0.0001831
>    1 |      -2944        1.25       -2624          
> 0
>    2 |    -0.7969  -0.0001221       1.344  
> 0.0004883
>    3 |       1152           1       -2304      
> 0.625
> Matrix 4x4 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |        2  |        3 
> |
>    0 |          0           0           0          
> 0
>    1 |          2           0          -2          
> 0
>    2 |         -2           0           2          
> 0
>    3 |          0           0           0          
> 1
> here's the macro "matrix.C".
> {
> TMatrixD m(3,3);
> TMatrixD n(3,3);
> m[0][0] = -2600.61;
> m[0][1] = -3009.4;
> m[0][2] = -33.82;
> m[1][0] = 1068.99;
> m[1][1] = -2125.77;
> m[1][2] = -72.79;
> m[2][0] = -38087.3;
> m[2][1] = 5404.86;
> m[2][2] = -150.3;
> n = m;
> Double_t det;
> m.Invert(&det);
> m.Print();
> n.Print();
> (m*n).Print();
> (n*m).Print();
> // 4x4 matrix
> Double_t x1=5351;
> Double_t x2=506;
> Double_t y1=419;
> Double_t y2=5125;
> TMatrixD A (4,4);
> TMatrixD B (4,4);
> TMatrixD C (4,4);   
> A[0][0]=x1*x1;
> A[0][1]=x1;
> A[0][2]=y1*y1;
> A[0][3]=y1;
> A[1][0]=x2*x2;
> A[1][1]=x2;
> A[1][2]=y2*y2;
> A[1][3]=y2;
> A[2][0]=x1*x1;
> A[2][1]=x1;
> A[2][2]=-y2*y2;
> A[2][3]=-y2;
> A[3][0]=x2*x2;
> A[3][1]=x2;
> A[3][2]=-y1*y1;
> A[3][3]=-y1;
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