Re: [ROOT] TTree::Draw

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 09:56:49 MET

Hi Seng,

I have implemented your suggestion in the CVS version.
When a custom histogram is specified, the empty histogram will be drawn
even if the selection has generated 0 entries.

Rene Brun

Woon-Seng Choong wrote:
> I have an ntuple which contain variables var1, var2 and var3.
> Now, the selection
>     ntuple->Draw("var1>>hist(256,-0.5,255.5)", "var2==0)
> gives zero entries.  The question is why it draws nothing instead of an
> empty histogram. In addition
>      (TH1F *)gPad->GetPrimitive("hist")
> gives a zero pointer.  I know why it gives a zero pointer because the
> pad is empty.  But it would be reasonable to get a pointer to a
> histogram with zero entries.
>         Thank you
>         Seng

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