Re: [ROOT] ROOT: error bars and continue line

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 17:13:45 MET

Hi Annalisa,

I suppose you have something similar to the following example. The option 
"HIST" (as in this example) is the answer to your question.

test() {
   TH1F *histo=new TH1F("sig0","Test!",25,0,100);
   for (int i=1; i<26; i++){
   histo->Draw("SAME hist *L");

 Cheers,          Olivier

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Annalisa De Caro wrote:

>   Dear rooters,
> I have a question for you.
> Suppose that you define an histogram (histo3, in the example) as in the following case:
>    TH1F *histo1; // read from file
>    TH1F *histo2; // read from file
>    TH1F *histo3;
>    histo3->Divide(histo1,histo2,1.,1.,"B");
> How can I draw the histogram histo3 with error bars and with a continue line?
> By using the following command:
>      histo3->Draw();
> I see only the error bars and I obtain the same plot by using any drawing option.
> Can you help my?
>    Thank you
>                         Annalisa

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