Re: [ROOT] Setting range on axis.

From: Manoj Jha (
Date: Tue Mar 23 2004 - 21:10:23 MET

Hi Oliver,
    I followed your method. It is working. But, when I implementing in 
the script "efficiency.C (line no. 147-170) ",  I faced with the 
following error


[jha@dulinux2 test]$ root efficiency.C
Warning in <Format>: string truncated: .:/cms/external/lcg/external/r...
  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
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  *   Version   3.10/01    8 October 2003   *
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  *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
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FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linux with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.105, Sep 28 2003
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0]
Processing efficiency.C...
RTTI works locally ...
Running on a Pentium

One clock tick corresponds to 3.846e-10 seconds
COBRA/GenUtil initializing
adding file /cms/Releases/COBRA/COBRA_7_5_0/src/Data/.cobrarc 1
adding file /cms/Releases/COBRA/COBRA_7_5_0/src/Data/.orcarc 0
adding file /cms/Releases/ORCA/ORCA_7_6_1/src/Data/.cobrarc 0
adding file /cms/Releases/ORCA/ORCA_7_6_1/src/Data/.orcarc 1
adding file /home/jha/program/orca/ORCA_7_6_1/src/Data/.cobrarc 0
adding file /home/jha/program/orca/ORCA_7_6_1/src/Data/.orcarc 0
adding file ./.cobrarc 0
adding file ./.orcarc 0
eta = 1.6 Bin_efficiency 1
eta = 1.7 Bin_efficiency 0.915094
<TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
======= END ======
root [1]
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x40a4ca68 in TGraph::Paint(char const*) + 0x8c from 
 0x410d0ed0 in TPad::PaintModified() + 0x400 from 
 0x410b5e04 in TCanvas::Update() + 0x78 from 
 0x413c4077 in TRootCanvas::HandleContainerConfigure(Event_t*) + 0x4f 
from /cms/external/lcg/external/root/3.10.01/rh73_gcc32/lib/
 0x413c47e1 in TRootContainer::HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t*) + 0x3b 
from /cms/external/lcg/external/root/3.10.01/rh73_gcc32/lib/
 0x4136209c in TGFrame::HandleEvent(Event_t*) + 0x82 from 
 0x41345f7b in TGClient::HandleEvent(Event_t*) + 0xd7 from 
 0x41345c74 in TGClient::ProcessOneEvent() + 0x6e from 
 0x41345cfe in TGClient::HandleInput() + 0x28 from 
 0x4134487a in TGInputHandler::Notify() + 0x22 from 
 0x401c643e in TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent(bool) + 0x3a from 
 0x401313b3 in TSystem::InnerLoop() + 0x25 from 
 0x40131341 in TSystem::Run() + 0x7b from 
 0x400e19f6 in TApplication::Run(bool) + 0x30 from 
 0x40e12bdb in TRint::Run(bool) + 0x311 from 
 0x08048890 in main + 0x90 from 
 0x40f225d9 in __libc_start_main + 0x95 from /lib/
 0x08048711 in _Unwind_Resume + 0x35 from 
Root >

Could you please enlighten me in this case ? Waiting for your response.

Thanks and with regards,

Olivier Couet wrote:

>Hello Manoj,
> Ah yes, it seems my way is better on the y axis :-) try:
>   Int_t n=20;
>   Double_t x[n],y[n];
>   for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
>      x[i]=i*0.1;
>      y[i]=10*sin(x[i]+0.2);
>   }
>   TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph (n,x,y);
>   TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("","",100,0,5);
>   h1->SetMaximum(9); 
>   h1->SetMinimum(2); 
>   gr1->SetHistogram(h1);
>   TAxis *xaxis = gr1->GetXaxis();
>   xaxis->SetLimits(0,5);
>   gr1->Draw("AC*");
> Cheers,      Olivier
>On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Manoj Jha wrote:
>>Hi Oliver,
>>       Thanks again. Rene answer worked. But, it is not working in the 
>>script "efficiency.C" ( line no. 147-166). I have set the range of Y 
>>axis from (0,1) in the script. In the plot, the range is from (0.90,1.0).
>>Thanks and with regards,
>>Olivier Couet wrote:
>>>Hi Manoj,
>>>I answered you request before Rene's answer arrived. His answer is 
>>>simpler. The  SetMaximum define the maximum of the histogram used by 
>>>Cheers, Olivier
>>>On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Manoj Jha wrote:
>>>>Hi Olivier,
>>>>  Thanks for mail. Could you please tell me the meaning of the 
>>>>following statment
>>>>waiting for your response.
>>>>Best wishes,
>>>>Olivier Couet wrote:
>>>>>Hi Manoj,
>>>>>One possible way is;
>>>>> Int_t n=20;
>>>>> Double_t x[n],y[n];
>>>>> for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) { 
>>>>>    x[i]=i*0.1;
>>>>>    y[i]=10*sin(x[i]+0.2);
>>>>> }
>>>>> TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph (n,x,y);
>>>>> TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("","",100,0,5);
>>>>> h1->SetMaximum(12);
>>>>> gr1->SetHistogram(h1);   
>>>>> gr1->Draw("AC*");
>>>>>Cheers,      Olivier
>>>>>On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Manoj Jha wrote:
>>>>>>Dear rooters,
>>>>>>    I am facing problem in setting range of the axis of the graph. For 
>>>>>>this purpose, I had written a root scripts and  attaching it (51.C).  In 
>>>>>>the scripts, I am trying to  set the range of the  X axis from (0,5). 
>>>>>>But, it is taking the default one (0,2). I am also attaching the output 
>>>>>>( that i am getting from the root script (51.C).  Please let me 
>>>>>>know the possible solution for it.
>>>>>>With best wishes ,


// library that handles input-output
#include <iomanip>

//Load the dictionary for egamma classes


//Load useful function
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ETAtransformation.C");

TClonesArray *top = new TClonesArray("TVector3",100);
TClonesArray *top1 = new TClonesArray("IntVec",50);
TClonesArray *mo_ele_Pele = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector",20);

// Load Trees, Branches , Leaves
TFile *f = new TFile("egamma.root");
TTree *EGAMMA = (TTree*)f->Get("EGAMMA");

Int_t    nL1iEM;
const Int_t kMax_nL1iEM = 200;
Float_t  L1iEM_L1iEMEt[kMax_nL1iEM];   //[nL1iEM]
Float_t  L1iEM_L1iEMEta[kMax_nL1iEM];   //[nL1iEM]
Float_t  L1iEM_L1iEMPhi[kMax_nL1iEM];   //[nL1iEM]

Int_t  nele;
const Int_t kMaxele_Pele = 200;
Int_t   ele_Ichrg[kMaxele_Pele];

//  Parameters definition
const Float_t Eta_End = 1.479;
const Float_t PI = 3.1415927;
const Float_t TWOPI = 2.0*PI;


TFile Isto("L1_Efficiency.root","recreate");

// Variables
Int_t nBINeta = 2;
Float_t etaLowLim = 1.6 , etaHiLim = 1.8 ;

Int_t nBINphi = 360;
Float_t phiLowLim = -PI , phiHiLim = +PI ;

TH1F * KINE_ELE_PT       = new TH1F("KINE_ELE_PT"      ,"KINE_ELE_PT"      ,nBINeta,0.,200);
TH1F * KINE_ELE_ETA      = new TH1F("KINE_ELE_ETA"     ,"KINE_ELE_ETA"     ,nBINeta,etaLowLim,etaHiLim);
//TH2F * L1_ETAvsPt = new TH2F("L1_ETAvsPt"     ,"L1_ETAvsPt"     ,nBINeta,etaLowLim,etaHiLim,1000,0.,40.);
TH1F * L1_KINE_ETA = new TH1F("L1_KINE_ETA"     ,"L1_KINE_ETA"     ,nBINeta,etaLowLim,etaHiLim);
TH2F * efficiency = new TH2F("efficiency"     ,"95 % threshold"    ,nBINeta,etaLowLim,etaHiLim,10,0.,1.);


Int_t nevents = (Int_t)EGAMMA->GetEntries();
Int_t nbytes = 0;

///  loop over the events

for(int ievent=0; ievent<nevents; ievent++)
                  nbytes += EGAMMA->GetEntry(ievent);

// Loop over kine particles
       for(Int_t IE=0; IE<nele;IE++)
//Variable Initializations	       
   Float_t PTpar = 0.0 ;
   Float_t PPpar = 0.0 ;
   Float_t ETApar = 0.0 ;
   Float_t Zvtx = 0.0 ;
   Float_t Theta = 0.0 ;
   Float_t ETA = 0.0 ;
   Float_t PhiPar = 0.0 ;
   Float_t PhiGenPart = 0.0;
   Float_t ele_KINE_eta = 0.0;
   Float_t ele_KINE_phi = 0.0;

         TLorentzVector* v1 = (TLorentzVector*)((*mo_ele_Pele)[IE]);
	  Float_t px_el =(*v1).X();
	  Float_t py_el =(*v1).Y();
   	  Float_t pz_el =(*v1).Z();
PPpar = sqrt(pow(px_el,2)+pow(py_el,2)+pow(pz_el,2));

PTpar = sqrt(pow(px_el,2)+pow(py_el,2));

ETApar = 0.5*log((PPpar+pz_el)/(PPpar-pz_el)); //uncorrected for VTX.NE.0
// Eta correction
ETA = ETAtransformation(ETApar,Zvtx);
       } // Kine electron loop
// prepare ISOLATED triggers
Float_t l1_et_cluster=0.0;
    for ( Int_t i=0; i<nL1iEM; i++)
	if (l1_et_cluster > 14.75)	  
} // event loop

// efficiency plot
TAxis *xaxis;
Int_t NbinsX;
Float_t Xmax , Xmin ,Xbinsize;

xaxis     =KINE_ELE_ETA->GetXaxis();
NbinsX    = xaxis->GetNbins();
Xmax      = xaxis->GetXmax();
Xmin      = xaxis->GetXmin();
Xbinsize  = ( Xmax - Xmin )/Float_t(NbinsX);

Float_t x1 =Xmin, bin1_t=0.0, bin2_t=0.0;
for(Int_t i=0 ;i<NbinsX; i++)
	 Float_t bin1  = KINE_ELE_ETA->GetBinContent(i);
         Float_t bin2  = L1_KINE_ETA->GetBinContent(i);
	 if (bin1==0.0)
             Float_t bin_efficiency=1.0;
             Float_t bin_efficiency=bin2/bin1;
	 cout << "eta = " << x1 << " Bin_efficiency " << bin_efficiency << endl ;

// Rene, below is the script for changing the range of the Y-axis, i.e from the line no. 148-166 
Float_t x[nBINeta+1], y[nBINeta+1];
for(Int_t i=0 ;i<NbinsX; i++)
	         Float_t bin1  = KINE_ELE_ETA->GetBinContent(i);
                 Float_t bin2  = L1_KINE_ETA->GetBinContent(i);
                 if (bin1==0.0)
                 Float_t bin_efficiency=1.0;
                 Float_t bin_efficiency=bin2/bin1;
	       	 y[i] = bin_efficiency;

TGraph *gr = new TGraph (nBINeta, x,y);
TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","h1",nBINeta,1.5,1.9);
TAxis *axis = gr->GetXaxis();

cout << "======= END ======"  << endl;
return 0;

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