Re: [ROOT] TH1 bug

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Thu Mar 25 2004 - 11:45:00 MET


 I suspect it is because your X axis start at the value zero. But anyway 
the "bug.eps" plot is not correct. Can you send a small example 
(macro file) reproducing the problem ?

 Cheers,      O.Couet

On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Henning Kiel wrote:

> Hi list!
> I have a program where I create a TH1F with 7 custom binwidths.
> I prepare an array of 8 values (the seven lower boundaries and the upper)
> and create it with new TH1F("name","title",7,array);
> It looks fine when plotted linearly on x-axis, but looks buggy when
> plotted logarithmically on x-axis (see pics)
> I'm using version 3.05/07
> Chau,
> Henning Kiel

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