Re: [ROOT] trouble resizing TPaletteAxis

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Mon Apr 19 2004 - 10:29:28 MEST

Hi Mike,

 Try this:

   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","test");
   TFile f("hsimple.root");
   TPaletteAxis *palette = 

To change the palette position you should use the "NDC" functions because 
TPaletteAxis is a TPave and the TPave constructor says:

//  Because TPave objects (and objects deriving from TPave) have their
//  master coordinate system in NDC, one cannot use the TBox functions
//  SetX1,SetY1,SetX2,SetY2 to change the corner coordinates. One should use
//  instead SetX1NDC, SetY1NDC, SetX2NDC, SetY2NDC.

Cheers,       Olivier

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Mike Kordosky wrote:

> Hi,
> I use root 4.00/03 built on a linux pc by gcc3.2.
> I'm trying to resize the TPaletteAxis object drawn in conjunction with the 
> "colz" option for a 2d histogram. Here is a code snippet:
>       // p3a is a TPad*, h_e1_gain is a TH2*	
>       p3a->cd();
>       h_e1_gain->Draw("colz");
>       p3a->Modified();
>       p3a->Update();
>       TPaletteAxis* palette = 
> 	 static_cast<TPaletteAxis*>(h_e1_gain->GetListOfFunctions()
> 				     ->FindObject("palette"));
>       cout<<palette->GetX1()<<endl;
>       cout<<palette->GetX2()<<endl;      
>    palette->SetX2(palette->GetX2()-(palette->GetX2()-palette->GetX1())*0.8);
>       cout<<palette->GetX1()<<endl;
>       cout<<palette->GetX2()<<endl;
>       p3a->Modified();
>       p3a->Update();
> This is done in an executable that uses TRint like this:
> int main(){
>  TRint app("run_by_run", &argc, argv);
> /*
> (plotting code)
> */
> app.Run();
> }
> The output is:
> CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.128, Mar 16 2004
> Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
> Enclose multiple statements between { }.
> 59.8333
> 62.8333
> 59.8333
> 60.4333
> So, the value of fX2 appears to change but the size of the color palette
> on the screen does not.  My experience is that calling TPad::Modified()
> and TPad::Update() tends to solve similar problems but these calls, for
> whatever reason, don't work in my case. Furthermore, if I use the mouse to 
> call Dump() on the palette, I get:
> fName                         ->907b860   Pave name
> fName.*fData                  TPave
> *fTip                         ->0         !tool tip associated with box
> fX1                           59.8333     X of 1st point
> fY1                           -0.5        Y of 1st point
> fX2                           62.8333     X of 2nd point
> fY2                           23.5        Y of 2nd point
> Note, that the value of fX2 doesn't agree with the output above.  Also, I 
> notice that when I replace "static_cast" with "dynamic_cast" in the 
> snippet above, I get a compiler error:
> /home/kordosky/minos/other_code/calib/ undefined 
> reference to `typeinfo for TPaletteAxis'
> I don't understand this message.
> So, what must I do to resize a TPaletteAxis?
> Regards,
> Mike Kordosky

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