Re: [ROOT] Saving ROOT functions in C code?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 16:27:30 MEST

Ho Tomasz,

In the CVS version, I have implemented the functions
  TSpline3::SaveAs(const char *filename) const
  TSpline5::SaveAs(const char *filename) const

These functions generate the C++ code (no ROOT calls) corresponding
to the spline object.

Rene Brun

Tomasz Bold wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
>         I have posted mail some time ago asking about possiblity to
> save/export splies (and possibly other functions) from ROOT to C code.
> I have written the simple function which does the job but asking whether
> there is any general method?
> // saves spline as the C code
> // function returns the string with valid C code of with function body.
> // the string can be saved in file and direcly compilled.
> // The code is inaccurate (give invalid results) at ends.
> //
> TString CCode (TSpline3 &spline, const char *fname, double oret=-999. )
> {
>   Int_t i; // inedx
>   Int_t N = spline.GetNpx();
>   TString *out = new TString();
>   // prepare function header
>   *out += "// the code generated automatically by root \n double ";
>   *out += fname;
>   *out += "( double x )\n{\n";
>   *out += "const int N =";
>   *out += N;
>   *out += ";\n";
>   *out += "int i;\n";
>   *out += "double coef[";
>   *out += N;
>   *out +="][5]= {\n";
>   double x,y,b,c,d;
>   for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
>     {
>       spline.GetCoeff(i, x, y, b, c, d);
>       *out += "\t\t{";
>       *out += x; *out += ", ";
>       *out += y; *out += ", ";
>       *out += b; *out += ", ";
>       *out += c; *out += ", ";
>       *out += d; *out += " ";
>       *out += "}";
>       if (i != N-1)
>         *out += ",\n";
>     }
>   *out += "};\n";
>   *out += "if (x < coef[0][0] || x >= coef[N-1][0])\n\t return ";
>   *out += oret;
>   *out += ";\n";
>   *out += "
>     i = 0;
>     do {
>         // found section
>         if (coef[i][0] <= x && coef[i+1][0] > x ) {
>            double dx;
>            dx = x - coef[i][0];
>            return coef[i][1] +dx*(coef[i][2] + dx*(coef[i][3] +
> dx*coef[i][3]));
>          }
>         i++;
>       } while (i < N-1);\n";
>     *out += "return -1;\n";
>     *out += "}\n";
>     return *out;
> }
> Any hints for general solution? I suppose that this would be usefull for
> Analysis --->
> production code cycle for HEP experiments as the HQUAD.F was in PAW since
> many times the PDFs are used for reconstruction alogtithms (and others).
> I need it for ATLAS analysis.
> Best reagrds,
>         Tomasz Bold

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