[ROOT] Problems with TChain::Process

From: Dmitry A. Shtol (shtol@sndxt1.inp.nsk.su)
Date: Thu Sep 30 2004 - 12:07:55 MEST


I executed the following commands:

root [0] chain=new TChain("h1","")                      
(class TChain*)0x8efac68
root [12] chain->Add("$SLD2/tup/ee/unimod/uee470m.root") 
root [13] chain->Add("$SLD2/tup/ee/unimod/uee470m1.root")
root [14] chain->Add("$SLD2/tup/ee/unimod/uee4701m.root")
root [15] msel=new ModEeSelector(1,5)
(class ModEeSelector*)0x8f00210
root [16] chain->Process(msel)       
No correction.

*** Break *** segmentation violation
Generating stack trace...
Other operations (as Draw()) works correctly. Where is error?           
Dmitry A. Shtol                        (SND group)    
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics  

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